An IDP is a
strategic framework that serves as a catalyst for the promotion of holistic
excellence. It outlines the road map for achieving academic, infrastructural
and administrative goals of an institution. With an aim for the fulfilment
of both our vision and mission of providing quality education to the women
students and of making them empowered and self-reliant in life,
valuable suggestions were invited from the members of IQAC. After detailed
discussion, the following plans and strategies for the development of our
institution were proposed by the IQAC Committee w.e.f. the commencement of
the session-
1. Preparation and implementation of
a) Semester wise
curriculum/ lesson plan i.e. academic calendar
b) Activity
calendar, including co-curricular activities to be conducted by various cells such as
cultural, N.S.S, Women Development Cell, BBBP, Legal Literacy Cell,
ICCASH, Sports and Placement Cell etc.
2. Constitution of Subject Societies -
Aims and Objectives:-
a) To ensure
participation of the students in the direction of being better learners and confident enough to be valuable resources
to the institution.
b) To provide platform for the inculcation of
leadership qualities by assigning various roles and responsibilities as office
3. To get semester/session wise
student satisfaction survey done.
4. To get MOUs signed by Women Development Cell, ED, and NSS
with renowned state/ national/
international institutes/ industries/ social organization/health sectors and
ensure organization of extension, outreach programmes and community work in the
welfare of students and society by spreading awareness about health, gender
equality, skill development, legal rights, career counselling , placement etc.
and ensure maximum participation along with maintaining proper record of the
student in this regard.
5. Placement
Cell should plan such activities as are goal oriented and job oriented. It
shall keep track of placement of the graduates apart form regular
organization of counseling sessions for competitive exams, preplacement
trainings and encourage the students for registration with the District
Employment Office/HKRN.
6. To conduct internship/field work especially related to
commerce/ Geography and EVS students.To be conducted at least one value added/job
oriented/soft skills/life skills programme by each and every teaching
dept. during the session.
7. To get the Alumni Association registered and functional
and to hold alumni meeting during the session.
8. To be conducted inter or intra college state/ national
level conferences/seminars etc. by various cells in collaboration with IQAC.
9. To
maintain and implement institutional values and best practices as per PRaYAAS
and NAAC by ensuring/ promoting the use of LED, solar energy,
bicycles, ban on plastics, stress on tree plantation, green and clean
environment, besides the availability of divyangjan friendly environment to get
academic, gender, green and energy audit done both at internal as well as
external level.
10. To conduct PTM (Parents Teacher Meet) during odd and/or
even semester and get the feedback of the parents on institution and its
11. To keep proper record of
mentees including their profile, qualification, participation and that of their
achievement at academic and curricular level etc. Mentor–mentee groups should
be student centric with focus on guidance, motivation and personal growth of
the mentees.
12. To maintain proper, systematic
record of the admitted students and their university results later on, duty
signed by the competent authority.
13. To identify the students
having interest in various sports activities and assist in nurturing their
potential by connecting them to district level coaches.
14. To promote a learner-centric
environment by registering the students in LMS and increasing the use of smart
class room, e- content/digital content/LMS etc. to deliver lectures. Proper
record of experiential learning, innovative practices, of participative
learning and problems solving methodology is to be maintained for the
enhancement of learning experience. Efforts should be made to assess the
learning level of the students and organize special programmes for advanced
learners and slow learners by adopting technique conductive to the local
15. To increase the footfall in
library on daily basis and to maintain its record, too. To be subscribe
e-journals, e- books and have remote access to resources.
16. To decrease the gap in student
computer rates and increase IT facilities on campus including Wi-Fi and
17. To engage in research work and
get the research papers published in Scopus/ web of Science /Indian Citation
Index/ UGC carelisted journals etc. Focus should also be made on publication of
chapters in books.
18. To update the college website
by publically notifying the following committees on the college campus –
Grievance Redressal Committee (b) Anti-ragging Committee (c) ICCASH
19. To ensure celebration of national/international
commemorative days and festivals.
1. To encourage the faculty for undergoing regular
Assessment and Accreditation in near future.
2. To strengthen the college IQAC by including
external members as per norms.
3. To promote and monitor various college level
activities on a regular basis.
4. To keep documentation of all the activities
conducted by various cells by instructing the incharges concerned to
submit a copy of the compliance report with the IQAC alongwith supporting
documents like notices/circulars, newspaper reports and geotagged
photographs etc. on the provided link.